Under the radar NBA prospect and arguably the best all around player on one of the best teams in the country. Has been compared to a former Arizona versatile wing in Andre Iguodala and I think those comparisons are fair although he won't be as physical or strong. Kind of a point forward, he can lead the break, play fast with plus vision and unselfishness. Very confident, good decision maker and smart player. Has excellent length which makes him an asset as a defender and on the glass. Will get majority of points at the rim and in transition. Scoring won't have to be his focus at the next level. I think he should stick around at least another year to continue to work on his perimeter shooting. I see a really valuable 6th man type of player on a championship level NBA team.
@paulycali • Posted almost 3 years ago (08:06 PM, February 17 2022)
Can this guy shoot well enough to be a C? Bold role.